Course Evaluation Dates

  • Fall 2024 ADP1: September 30 – October 9
  • Fall 2024 ADP2 and TU: November 18 – December 8
  • Spring 2025 ADP1: February 19 – March 3
  • Spring 2025 ADP2 and TU: April 14 – April 30
  • Summer 2025 Session1: Jun 16 – June 25
  • Summer 2025 Session2: July 21 – July 31

For Students

Online Course Evaluations are available the last few weeks of each term. Faculty are not provided with the results until after grades are submitted. All of your courses will be evaluated using the online system, EvaluationKIT. Access is available using a computer, laptop, tablet or mobile device. This system provides an anonymous evaluation on your experience in all of your courses. You will receive an initial email each semester when the system opens and then several email reminders throughout the process as we look to increase participation. You can access your evaluations via the link in the email you receive or in Canvas.

Note: If you do not see one of your courses listed, or cannot access the system, please send an email to [email protected]. Please include your full name and which course you are inquiring about. The site administrator will work directly with you to ensure the courses you can evaluate are correct.

For Faculty

  • Discuss the importance of online course evaluations before the evaluation period starts and remind students to complete their online evaluations throughout the evaluation period.
  • Log on to CoursEval to access your participation rates in each class throughout the evaluation period to track your class participation. Consider offering an incentive if a certain percentage of the class completes the survey, or assign credit to completion.
  • Advise students that they will receive emails, which will direct them to complete the surveys and emphasize that their responses are completely anonymous and that instructors will not have access to the results until after grades are released.
  • Designate at least 15 minutes of class time to speak to the students about the importance of the evaluation process and give them time to complete the online evaluation in class. Reassure students that the process is anonymous and leave the classroom to ensure privacy.

Please help us by encouraging your students to complete their course evaluations. Student assessment of your classroom experience is essential to the continued development and maintenance of an excellent and relevant educational experience at Oglethorpe University.

Faculty can access the Evaluation Kit dashboard through Canvas by going to your Canvas Profile, then clicking on Settings and then clicking the EvaluationKit Dashboard link.  When course evaluations are active for a class, the link will appear in the course navigation menu as well.

Note: If your students report any issues with seeing your course listed, please send an email to [email protected]. Please include your full name and which course you are teaching. The site administrator will work directly with you or your students to ensure the courses students can evaluate are correct. Additionally, if you encounter an issue accessing the site to review your evaluations, please request assistance using the same email address.

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