The Writing Center is a free, inclusive, collaborative learning resource available to all Oglethorpe students.

We offer one-one-one tutoring sessions both in person and online with trained peer tutors as well as a variety of workshops, special events, and programs to support student writing across the university. In one-on-one tutoring sessions, students may work with tutors on any academic, professional, or personal writing or communication project at any point in the composition process.

Writing tutors can help with:

  • Essays and research papers
  • Conference papers
  • Slide decks
  • Presentations
  • Creative writing
  • Lab Reports
  • Cover Letters
  • Interviews
  • Podcasts
  • Videos
  • Research posters
  • …and more!

Make an Appointment

Use WC Online to schedule an appointment with a writing tutor for help with anything related to writing and communication—even if it isn’t for a class! Our tutors and Director have appointments available throughout the week for both in-person and remote/virtual appointments. If you’re new to using WC Online, please login to your school account to see this video for step-by-step directions.


All in-person Writing Center appointments take place in TLCC 228.

The Writing Center staff includes undergraduate peer tutors and the Director.

Our trained peer tutors work with students on any type of writing- or communication-related project at any point in the composition process, helping them to become more skillful, flexible writers and communicators. By discussing with writing center tutors such aspects of writing and communication as the context, audience, genre, format, medium, and style of their projects, students further develop their skills in written and multimodal communication.

Writing center tutors do not do students’ work for them or “fix” all the “errors” in their work. Our tutors work to empower students to become better writers and communicators with transferrable skills in interpreting assignments, brainstorming ideas, creating outlines, problem-solving, critical thinking, writing, composing, organizing and revising.

Tutors learn to help their peers develop writing and communication skills through training in best practices and effective tutoring strategies as well as continuing education in writing center scholarship. Writing center tutors also develop as professionals by improving their own writing and communication, practicing digital marketing, building a portfolio of learning resources, and engaging in scholarly research.

Students who would like to apply to work as peer tutors in the Writing Center must first enroll in WRI 290: Writing Center Theory, Pedagogy, and Practice, a 4-credit course that introduces students to composition theories, composition pedagogy, and best practices in tutoring writing in the university. Students in this course explore and discuss the theories that influence writing center practices and develop a toolkit of concrete strategies to use during writing center consultations. In Spring 2025, the course will be offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:15-3:45.

  • Writing Center staff members are available to visit classes to inform students about our services.
  • The Writing Center offers events for students such as writing groups and writing workshops.
  • The Director is available for in-class workshops on various topics related to writing and communication.
    • Workshop topics include but are not limited to writing statements of purpose and personal statements; creating outlines or reverse outlines; quoting, paraphrasing, and other citation practices; and creating effective slide decks.
  • Faculty may email the Writing Center Director, Dr. Courtney Mullis, at [email protected] or [email protected] with any questions, to schedule a class visit, or to request a workshop or other event. Please note that workshop availability for 2024-2025 is limited due to staffing constraints.

Writing Center Resources: Writing Guides*

*Oglethorpe students will need to login to their Microsoft account (same credentials used for email) to view the Writing Guides.

Resources from Oglethorpe University’s Philip Weltner Library:

Additional resources:

  • Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue
    The OWL at Purdue University is perhaps the most thorough and comprehensive website. It contains information and tips on every aspect of writing, from coming up with a thesis to writing transitions.
  • Grammarly
    Grammarly’s Free Grammar Checker is a great tool for reviewing grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Avoid using Grammarly’s generative AI writing features for courses in which the use of Artificial Intelligence is not allowed. Be sure to check your course policies and confer with your instructors before using any generative AI tools for coursework.

Contact us

Courtney Mullis, Ph.D.Courtney Mullis, Ph.D.
Writing Center Director
[email protected]

Please email [email protected] with any questions or for assistance scheduling an appointment.

Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for writing tips and to hear about our latest events.

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