Required Immunizations for all students:

  • Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) 2 doses
  • Tetanus or Diphtheria (Tdap or Td) must be up to date
  • Hepatitis B series
  • Varicella (Chicken Pox) 2 doses or date of disease
  • COVID-19

Students are asked to:

  • Provide dates of immunizations.
  • Acknowledge understanding of the university’s expectation for insurance.
  • Acknowledge receipt of information regarding risks associated with meningitis/meningococcal disease and the benefits of vaccination.

About Meningitis/Meningococcal disease

If you reside on campus, Georgia law also requires that you receive a meningitis vaccination or waive this immunization. More information is on the housing contract.

Meningitis/Meningococcal disease is a potentially life-threatening bacterial infection.  The disease is most commonly expressed as meningococcal meningitis, an inflammation of the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord, or meningococcemia, a serious infection of the blood.

The disease strikes 2,500 Americans each year, leading to death in approximately 10-15 percent of cases.  It is estimated that 100-125 cases occur annually on college campuses and 5-15 students die as a result.  The disease can result in permanent brain damage, hearing loss, learning disability, limb amputation, kidney failure or death.

It is transmitted through respiratory secretions (coughing and sneezing) and direct contact with infected persons.  Students living in dormitories have a six-fold increased risk for the disease.

For more information about Meningitis/Meningococcal, please see this information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

In accordance with Georgia Code all students must comply with the state requirement via our online immunization compliance form found here.


Documentation from medical provider is not required if you have been immunized and are able to provide the month and year for the immunizations requested. If you are unable to provide immunization dates, you may provide a written statement from a physician which:

  • proves immunity because the student had the disease
  • confirms laboratory evidence of immune titer
  • documents specific medical contraindication to a vaccine (allergy or physical condition that prevents vaccination)

This documentation can be emailed to [email protected].


Please note: Students filing an exemption to the immunization policy will not be allowed on Oglethorpe University property if an outbreak of any preventable disease occurs on or near campus. No academic or financial accommodations will be made in this situation.

If you have a religious or other objection to our immunization policy, or wish to be exempt for another reason, you must indicate that on the Immunization Compliance Form linked above. 

Failure to comply with the immunization policy will result in restrictions on registration.

Oglethorpe University requires all students to have insurance coverage and insurance coverage must continue as long as the student is enrolled.

  • Students may be covered under a family policy or a private carrier.
  • If you are not otherwise covered, you should consider purchasing a health insurance policy from an established provider. Visit for more information.
  • Those eligible may also receive coverage through Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), which offers free or low-cost health coverage to qualifying low-income, elderly, and disabled Americans.

Students should keep a copy of their insurance card with them and be familiar with their plan. If you need assistance with finding health insurance on your own, please feel free to contact us for guidance.

If you are on your parents’ health care plan, make sure that you have “away from home” coverage if you do not live locally. You will need a copy of their insurance card and a copy of their prescription card if applicable.

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