With the goal of developing citizens of the world, Oglethorpe University recognizes and appreciates the intellectual rigors of the International Baccalaureate (IB) program, its interdisciplinary nature, global perspective, and commitment to service. The alignment between courses like Theory of Knowledge and Oglethorpe’s Core Curriculum leads to a seamless integration into academic life at Oglethorpe. Because of this, four-year renewable IB scholarships as well as advanced standing are awarded upon enrollment at Oglethorpe for earning an IB Diploma. The Core will challenge how you think about yourself, the world, and everything in it. It’s designed to provoke (sometimes heated) discussion. Our graduates say that it actually changes the way their minds work – a function that they can never turn off.
Philip Weltner, Oglethorpe’s president from 1944-1953 and founder of the Core, once said “Oglethorpe University insists that the object is not to pass a subject; the object is to take and keep it.” The Core is designed to ensure that what you learn, you keep.

IB Comparison

IB curriculum vs. OU curriculum
Creativity, Action, Service (CAS) hours.Center for Civic Engagement; Petrel Points (Leadership, Civic Engagement, Arts& Ideas) required of students
“The Hexagon:” The Liberal Arts organization of the program.The Core Curriculum and Liberal Arts major offerings
The Extended Essay: No multiple choice tests, sit down and edited written exams. Emphasis on understanding concepts /ideas, not just memorizing facts.Emphasis of writing and independent research in the Core Curriculum. Developing your own point of view. Honors Thesis that prepares students for grad school.
Theory of Knowledge (ToK) class: how different Areas of Knowledge (academic disciplines) compare epistemologically, where does knowledge come from, and how do you fit in?Interdisciplinary and metacognitive nature of the Core Curriculum. Common experience for all students regardless of major spread over 4 years.
Document analysis in History and reaction to primary sources in Language A1 (Literature).Use of primary sources in Core Curriculum: Homer, Cervantes, Lao Tzu, Toni Morrison.
Small classes based on discussion, with highly motivated instructors.Small classes (15:1 student/faculty ratio) Nationally ranked #14 for class discussion, faculty ranked #17 (Princeton Review, 2010)
Required interdisciplinary connections between classes.The Core Curriculum. Honors Program with seminars taught by two professors from different fields of study, i.e. physics and anthropology.
Small school, or relatively small cohort within a large school with common classes taken at the same time.Small liberal arts environment (1100 students) where great conversations evolve organically outside of class due to common curriculum.
Creating citizens of the world.Oglethorpe University summer campuses in Rome, Barcelona, Cape Town, and Greece. 24 tuition exchange partner schools globally, including University of Oxford (UK). Students come from 28 countries and 34 states.

Hours will initially be awarded as general elective credits based upon the total IB diploma score (see IB Diploma General Elective Chart below), with a score of 30 or higher earning sophomore standing (32 semester hours). All, or a portion of, general elective credits may also be re-allocated for specific course credit and exemption based upon the IB Credit Chart, and potentially for Core classes upon approval by the Core Director. (Students seeking to graduate in three years may register for COR-401 or COR-402 after earning rising senior standing [81 credit hours], or with the approval of the Core Director.) Should the amount of specific credit hours earned surpass the amount of general elective credits, the student will receive the greater amount, not to exceed 32 credit hours. In general, the Oglethorpe policy toward IB scores is that individual course credit may be given for a score of 5, 6, or 7, but no credit will be given for a score of 4 or less. The IB Credit Chart is subject to update at any time.

IB Diploma General Elective Chart

IB Diploma ScoreOU Credit Hours Awarded
30 or higher32 (Sophomore standing and privileges)

IB Course Credit Chart

IB ExamOU Credit HoursCourse Equivalents
Studies in Language and Literature
Language A4Elective credit
Language B*4Elementary I (101) credit (French, German, Japanese, Latin, or Spanish*)
Individuals and Societies
Economics4Elective credit in economics
Geography4Elective credit
Global Politics4Elective credit in politics
History4Elective credit in history
Psychology4PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology
Biology5GEN 102 Natural Science: Biological Science
Chemistry5CHM 101 General Chemistry InCHM 101L General Chemistry I Lab
Computer Science4CSC 201 Introduction to Programming
Physics6PHY 201 College Physics PHY 101L Intro Physics Lab I
Environmental Systems and Societies4Elective credit
Mathematics4Elective credit
The Arts
Music4Elective credit in music
Visual Arts4Elective credit in art

*While every student will automatically receive 101 credit if they earn a score of 5 or higher on
these Language B IB courses/exams, these students will also have the possibility of receiving four
additional credits in 102 of the same language if their placement exam score qualifies them to
enter 201 or beyond. If a student who receives a score of 5 or higher on one of these Language B
IB courses/exams places into 101 or 102 (or does not take the approved placement exam), they
will still receive credit for 101 only. Regardless of placement score, the maximum credit granted
based on the IB course/score and placement for a student will be eight (8) credits for 101 and 102
in the appropriate language.

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