Accounting skills put to test in case study competition

accounting class
Intermediate Accounting II Case Competition participants with Dr. Floran Syler (seated)

Junior and senior Accounting students recently had the chance to practice their skills in Oglethorpe’s second annual Intermediate Accounting II Case Competition.

“More than ever before, accounting students need to find ways to stand out in the marketplace and demonstrate their ability to do more than crunch numbers,” said assistant professor of accounting Dr. Floran Syler, CPA, who organized the competition for her class. “Case Study competitions are an ideal way for them to do this.”

Students used critical thinking skills and recent accounting policies to analyze two real-life revenue recognition cases from the Deloitte Trueblood Case Studies, which help teach new developments in auditing and accounting.

The case studies, prepared by Deloitte professionals, are based on recent technical issues that often require significant research and judgment. The case topics highlight the “gray” areas of accounting and help prepare students for the types of questions likely to arise in professional practice. These seminars help professors enrich the accounting curriculum to reflect the necessary skills of the auditor of the future.

This year’s competition was judged by alumni George Jones and Adam Repasy, as well as Oglethorpe Chief Financial Officer Norman McKay.

accounting competition team
Frank Lentini, Garvin Mata, Alnaya Kendrick, Ryan Maguire, Laura Sanchez, Wouter Savelsbergh, Jessica Smith, Pablo Gandica, Brooke Simpson, and Jacqueline Hinton.


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