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Oglethorpe FacultY

David nasser

David Nasser

Senior Lecturer in Marketing
Office: Lupton 308

Ph.D., Mass Communication, University of Minnesota
M.A., University of Connecticut
B.A., University of Connecticut

Dr. David Nasser earned a B.A. and M.A. in Communication from the University of Connecticut and a Ph.D. in Mass Communication Research from The University of Minnesota.  In his early academic career served on the faculties of Louisiana State University (New Orleans), and the University of Connecticut.

Dr. Nasser’s has served as Director of Strategy and Research at D’Arcy, McManus & Masius, San Francisco, at Tracey-Locke, and at Fahlgren-Martin Atlanta.  He was also a Director of Client Services at Booth Research in Atlanta.  Dr. Nasser was recognized several times by The Atlanta Business Chronicle as an “Advertising Agency All Star” and served on several account teams that were awarded Effies by The American Marketing Association for their marketing campaigns.

Before joining Oglethorpe University Faculty Dr. Nasser was Clinical Professor of Marketing in The Robinson College of Business, Georgia State University.  Dr. Nasser has also served as a guest lecturer, conducting seminars in Buyer Behavior and in Marketing Strategy at The Institute for Commerce (Slovenia), Cairo and Alexandria Universities in Egypt and United Arab Emirates University in Abu Dhabi.  His research has included studies of advertising effects, country image effects and pedagogical techniques in marketing. His teaching interests include Marketing Strategy, Marketing Communication, Buyer Behavior, and Marketing Research.

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