Oglethorpe FacultY

Lanier Basenberg

Lanier Basenberg

Lecturer of Core Studies
Office: Hearst 205B

B.S., Kenyon College
M.A., University of Tennessee
Ph.D., Georgia State University

Dr. Basenberg entered college a Sociology major, and decided to become a professor after her first sociology class her freshman year! She teaches primarily in Core, although her background is in Sociology. Dr. Basenberg holds a M.A. in Sociology with a focus in Criminology, and a Ph.D. in Sociology with a focus in gender and sexuality. “I love teaching in Core because it allows me to be a perpetual student – some days it’s Philosophy, some days it’s Economics,” said Basenberg.

Areas of Research and Interest:
“My previous research has been focused primarily in Sociolinguistics, and I’m especially interested in how people use slang to indicate nuance. My dissertation focused on how young men talk about sex, and specifically how the language they use both shapes their opinions and indicates a shift in masculinity among younger generations. My other areas of research have been primarily focused on sex education, especially the lack of education in American schools and the way in which that lack of knowledge impacts sexual and reproductive health.”

Courses Taught:
So far at Oglethorpe I have primarily taught the 200 level of Core Human Nature and the Social Order I, II, but I also love teaching (Core 301) Historical Perspectives and the Social Order. Over the summer I taught a Sociology course about drug use in American society, as well.”

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