Unlock the secrets of the universe.

Physics ranges from the study of the inconceivably tiny to the mind-bogglingly huge. It’s a vast subject – and if you have the patience to unlock its secrets, vastly rewarding. Studying physics will greatly enhance your reasoning skills and boost your abilities at problem solving. It also will offer a whole new perspective on the universe around you.

The physics curriculum at Oglethorpe is rigorous and comprehensive: it includes coursework in mechanics, electronics, electricity and magnetism, thermal and statistical physics, optics, theoretical and experimental physics, and other special topics and electives.

But what really sets physics at Oglethorpe apart? For one, it’s the valuable individual mentoring and student-focused instruction. Physics can be a challenging subject – but it’s a lot easier if you have access to your professors when you need some extra help. Our approach emphasizes the application of physical principles to real-world problems, turning the theoretical and abstract into the accessible and concrete.

The Physics and Liberal Studies program allows students the flexibility of obtaining a broad liberal education with a concentration in the physical sciences.  In this program, students combine an individualized course of study in physics with a concentration in another discipline, such as business, philosophy, or communication.  This program leaves students prepared to enter careers in public policy, consulting, or K-12 education.

Since the introductory-level physics lecture courses require certain prerequisites in math, it’s essential that aspiring physics majors take the math placement exam during their first semester at Oglethorpe, or earlier.

With small, student-focused classrooms, even undergrads have opportunities to participate in research, exploring not just the fundamentals of this fascinating field, but its leading edge.

  • Physics students assist in exciting research on radio astronomy, atmospheric physics, self-organized criticality, and more. Not only do we strongly encourage undergraduate research, our annual Liberal Arts and Sciences Symposium offers outstanding students an opportunity to present their most fascinating findings.
  • Join the Society of Physics Students and participate in fun, educational events, like the annual Telescope Night hosted atop the Weltner Library roof (hot beverages and a guided tour of the stars provided by your knowledgeable professors!). High-performing students can also join our university chapter of Sigma Pi Sigma, the physics honor society.

Oglethorpe physics majors are prepared to shine, whether they choose to pursue graduate study or enter the workforce. Nearly all students receive admission to a related graduate program or quickly find employment in their field.

  • Many of our students continue their education in the physical sciences. Others find careers in science education, tech research and development, engineering, or other math-heavy fields like business and finance. The physics program is also great preparation for a professional degree in business, law, or medicine.
  • After graduating from Oglethorpe, Ronny Remington ’06 earned his Ph.D. in high energy particle physics and even worked at the Large Hadron Collider, before going on to the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. Other alumni are working with computer engineering firms, like Microsoft; teaching physics in high schools or at esteemed universities like Notre Dame, and earning accolades for their accomplishments in the classroom; and bringing their brilliance to the business world, like one alumna who now serves as Head of Operational Strategy and Innovation at Purchasing Power, an Atlanta-based start-up.

See degree requirements and course descriptions in the University Bulletin.

STEM and Research At Oglethorpe

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