B.A. Government and Environmental Studies, Minor in Spanish from Bowdoin College
Ph.D. in Political Science, Boston College
Before coming to Oglethorpe, Dr. Schmerer taught at the University of New Hampshire, Emory University and Boston College.
Areas of Research and Interest:
- Classical and modern political philosophy
- 17th-19th century American political thought
- Historical development of liberal and democratic institutions and procedures
- Public shaming and sub-legal social penalties
- Montesquieu and Rousseau
- Hebraic political thought
Honors and Awards:
- 2019-2020 Core Teaching Award
Courses Taught:
- COR 201 and 202: Human Nature and the Social Order I and II
- POL 290 Special Topics: American Political Thought and Liberty in American Political Thought
- POL 101 Introdution to American Politics
- POL 303 Congress and the Presidency
- POL 342 Modern Political Philosophy
- POL 341 Ancient and Medieval Political Philosophy