Leah Osafo
Oglethorpe University Student Ambassador
Hometown: Columbus, GA
Major: Business Administration
What do you look forward to about being an ambassador?: “I look forward to knowing everyone’s interests and encouraging them to step out of their comfort zone of their major to find other things they enjoy or might be interested in while in college.”
Campus Involvement:
BCM Community Chair
Favorite Spot on Campus: “The Academic Quad because it’s the best spot to watch clouds, a beautiful Sunrise or Sunset, and a nice place to find your friends before and after class!”
Favorite Off-Campus Spot or Activity: “Atlantic Station is my favorite off-campus spot because there are so many places to shop, and the walk from the MARTA to it is relaxing, pretty, and picture-worthy!”
What advice do you have for prospective students?:
“Don’t be afraid to step out of the comfort zone of your major. If you have time and space to take a class that doesn’t pertain to your major, I highly suggest it as it expands your interests, and you never know what you’ll learn or what new people you’ll meet outside of your department. As a Business major taking Theater classes on occasion, I love it!”
Fun Fact: “I’m Ghanian-American.”