Oglethorpe Campus Weather Plan for Wednesday, January 22

Safety is our priority. Because the area will still be dealing with the lingering effects of the winter storm, Oglethorpe University will continue with a hybrid work and instruction format on Wednesday, January 22. Classes will not be cancelled on January 22 but will move to remote instruction (online meeting or asynchronous assignments). Faculty will notify their students regarding their class plan for the day.

Essential employees should plan to report as usual but travel carefully given conditions. Contact your supervisor if reaching campus will be a safety hazard.

All other employees should plan to work remotely Wednesday. Students can access campus services such as Student Success, Registrar, and Finance through email and Teams. All those on campus should be mindful of their safety with icing on sidewalks and roads. Facilities will be salting and keeping sidewalks clear as needed.

We are continuing to monitor the weather and its predicted impact on the Atlanta area.

The campus is not closing. Students will be on campus and essential support personnel will be in place to support the community. Please continue to look for updates via RAVE, email, the University’s home page or the University’s Instagram account.

Stay warm and stay safe!


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