STEM and the Liberal Arts
A more intimate research experience
“Liberal arts colleges, though occasionally small in size and often assumed to be a home for students who are not interested in science, actually provide students with an education that crosses the broad spectrum of arts, humanities, mathematics, natural sciences, and social sciences. The primary purpose of liberal arts colleges is to provide their students with the general skills necessary to thrive in, and make meaningful contributions to, society. Liberal arts colleges typically emphasize communication, problem-solving, and reasoning skills, and these abilities are highly valued in the scientific community. Scientists who are skilled articulators and creative thinkers are often successful in their fields. Another advantage of liberal arts colleges is that they are sometimes smaller in size than research universities. Typically – though not always – this contributes to more personalized student-faculty interactions. In the field of science, this might mean working closely with a professor on a research project that fascinates you. This professor can also serve as a mentor – an opportunity that can further contribute to your personal and professional growth.” USA TODAY