Zahairah Shipman

Zahira Shipman, student admission ambassador

Zahairah Shipman


Jersey City, New Jersey


Public Relations and Business Administration

Fun Fact

I’ve been to the Bahamas 3 times!

What do you look forward to about being a tour guide?

I look forward to encouraging future students to attended Oglethorpe and inspiring them.

Campus involvement:

I am Vice President of Alpha Kappa Psi Professional Business Fraternity, Vice president of Rotaract club, and President of Public Relations Student Society of America. I am also an orientation leader, student conduct ambassador, and a member of the OU cheer team.

Favorite spot on campus

Media Lab in the library and sitting outside Cousins

Favorite off-campus spot or activity

Chipotle and downtown Atlanta

What advice do you have for incoming students?

Focus on your books, mental and physical health and EVERYTHING else will fall into place, I promise!